Thursday, 25 February 2021

Week 4, Term 1, 2021

 The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time this week was Takaro because I could play with different people.

We started our art this week and I have chosen to do art with Mrs Kennedy.  Our art is going to be a landscape, but the different areas have different patterns.

We created our WhetÅ« stars on Thursday and they look Amazing, my one only had a few pictures, it still looks great. I did mine with Kiarna because my mum had to go to work. I’m really excited to see them on the ceiling/night sky!!!!

Next week we have our school swimming sports. I am feeling nervous because I’m not really a good swimmer, but I’m excited to cheer on my house team and friends!!!

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Week 3, Term 1, 2021

 Someone who I helped with their learning this year was Heidi, I helped her link her blog and put her avatar on her blog.

The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time is swimming cause it’s one of my favorite sports.

The most fun thing that I have done at a play or lunchtime this year was playing tug a war with all my friends.

One word that describes learning in Whetu is entertaining.

Something I am looking forward to is the Whetu challenge because so far all of the other ones have been very fun.

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

My Avatar 2021

 This year Whetu made avatars like last year. 

My avatar does not really look like me, but I tried.

It has a lighter skin tone than mine.