Wednesday, 26 February 2020

The Big Feast, Chapter Challenge

My Chapter Challenge activity was to make the feast in the book.

The things on the table are a bowl of plums, slices of beef, buttered bread, hard-boiled eggs, veggie fritters, and a cream sponge.

This was soooooooo fun to create because this was the first time I used google drawings! 

Monday, 17 February 2020

My Visual Pepeha

Over the last week, I have been working on my visual pepeha it was fun showing my friends my
history and Facts about me!

I am proud of my coloring and sketching because it looks semi-real.

What I found challenging was organizing my pictures of my family because they were kind of big!

I worked with Emily & Maia to create my Whanau star.

Sunday, 2 February 2020

First Blog Post

The activity I have enjoyed the most this week is Making my Avatar, it was fun to make it as
realistic to me as possible. 

A goal I have for myself this year is to get to know everyone in my class, just in case if I want to get a
gift for someone.

What I am most looking forward to this year is swimming, because it’s my favorite activity ( sport )!  

Someone who has helped me so far is Carley, she showed me how to make my blog it was